Pete’s main research interests are in comparative employment relations, including law and industrial relations, and the regulation of the low-wage sector.
Recent and forthcoming publications include:
Corby, S., Burgess, P. and Höland, A. (2021). 'Employees as Judges in European Labour Courts: A Conflict of Interests', European Journal of Industrial Relations (Vol 27: 3).
Pete Burgess, Susan Corby, Armin Höland, Hélène Michel & Laurent Willemez (2020). 'Lay Labour Court Judges as Industrial Relations Actors In Germany, Great Britain and France. Can Field Theory Contribute to Comparative Research?' in Pulignano, V. and Henrickx, F. (eds) Employment Relations in the 21st Century: Challenges for Theory and Research in a Changing World of Work, Bulletin of Comparative Relations - 107. Alphen aan den Rijn: Wolters Kluwer.
Corby, S., Burgess, P., Höland, A., Michel, H. and Willemez, L. (2019) ‘Lay and Professional Judges in Europe’s Labour Courts: Does the Professional Judge Dominate?’, Industrial Law Journal. Oxford University Press. ISSN 0305-9332 ISSN 0305-9332.
Pete Burgess, (2019) ‘Idol Talk. Are we getting more vicious?’, Review of Vices of the Mind: From the Intellectual to the Political by Quassim Cassam (2019: Oxford University Press) in The Philosopher, Spring 2019 (Vol. 107, No.2).
Burgess, P., Corby, S., Höland, A., Michel, H., WiIlemez, L., Buchwald, C. and Krausbeck, E. (2017) The Roles, Resources and Competencies of Employee Lay Judges: A cross-national study of Germany, France and Great Britain. Working Paper Forschungsförderung, Hans Böckler Stiftung, Düsseldorf, ISSN 2509-2359.
Burgess, P.. (2016). ‘Grossbritannien: Die Beharrlichkeit des liberalen Modells’ in Bsirske, F., Busch, K, , Höbel, O., Knerler, R. and Scholz, D. (eds), Gewerkschaften in der Eurokrise. VSA Verlag, Hamburg.
Thorsten Schulten (ed.), Nils Böhlke, Pete Burgess, Catherine Vincent and Ines Wagner (2014). Umsetzung und Kontrolle von Mindestlöhnen. Europäische Erfahrungen und was Deutschland von ihnen lernen kann. Commissioned by G.I.B Gesellschaft für innovative Beschäftigungsförderung mbH, state government of North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany.
Corby, S. and Burgess, P. Adjudicating Employment Rights: a Cross-National Approach. Palgrave (2014).
Burgess, P., Corby, S. and Latreille, P. (2014). ‘Lay judges and labor courts: a question of legitimacy’, Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal, Vol. 35. No. 2. (Winter 2014).
Burgess, P. (2013). ‘Arbeitsgerichte und die Beilegung individueller Rechtsstreitigkeiten im internationalen Vergleich. Empirische Befunde und theoretische Reflexionen’ in Rüb, S. and Müller, T. (eds) Arbeitsbeziehungen im Prozess der Globalisierung und Europäischen Integration. Festschrift für Hans-Wolfgang Platzer. Nomos: Baden-Baden.
Burgess, P. and Symon, G. (2012) ‘Collective bargaining unity and fragmentation in Germany: two concepts of unionism?’, Economic and Industrial Democracy. Published on-line December 2012.
Burgess, P. (2012). ‘United Kingdom’ in Schulten, T. (ed.) Pay and Other Social Clauses in Public Procurement. WSI/Hans-Böckler-Stiftung - EPSU.
Burgess, P., Corby, S., Latreille, P. (2012). ‘Varieties of Tribunals: employment disputes resolution and national business systems’. Paper delivered at ILERA 2012 Conference, Philadelphia, July 2012. (
Burgess, P., Corby, S. and Latreille, P. (2011) Labour Courts Abroad. Research project funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (RES-000-4154).
Burgess, P., Corby, S. and Latreille, P. (2011) Non-Legal Members in UK Tribunals. Research project funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (RES-000-4154).
Employment in Germany 2010, Incomes Data Services, London.
Employment in Ireland 2009, Incomes Data Services, London.
The International Human Resource Due Diligence Checklist, Incomes Data Services, London, 2008 (4th edn.), with Martin Goodman.
Employment in Germany 2008, Incomes Data Services, London.
‘The statutory minimum wage in the UK’ in Schulten, T., Bispinck, R., Schäfer, C. (2006), Minimum Wages in Europe, ETUI. Brussels.
‘Living Wage Kampagnen in London’ in Sterkel, G. and Wiedemuth, J. (2006) Mit Mindestlöhnen gegen Lohndumping, VSA Verlag. Hamburg [‘Living Wage Campaigns in London’ in Minimum wages against wage dumping]
‘Der gesetzliche Mindestlohn in Großbritannien’ in Schulten, T., Bispinck, R., Schäfer, C. (2006), Mindestlöhne in Europa, VSA Verlag, Hamburg. [The statutory minimum wage in the United Kingdom]
The International Human Resource Due Diligence Checklist, (Incomes Data Services, London, 2005, 3rd edn), with Martin Goodman.
‘Tarifpolitische Koordinierung in Europa: Ein Ansatz vor seiner Zeit?’ in Schulten, T. and Sterkel, G., Wiedemuth, J. (eds.), Autonomie im Laufstall? Gewerkschaftliche Lohnpolitik in Euroland (Hamburg, 2004). [‘Collective bargaining coordination in Europe. A strategy before its time?’ in Autonomy in the Playpen? Trade union wages policy in Euroland].
Pete Burgess and Alastair Usher Allgemeinverbindlichkeit und Mindestlohnregelungen in Mitgliedsstaaten der EU - Ein Überblick (2003), Ministry of Labour, North-Rhine Westphalia.
[Extension Procedures and Minimum Wage Regulation in the Member States of the EU – an Overview].
‘Mindestandards für Arbeitseinkommen – ein europäischer Überblick zu Allgemeinverbindlichkeit und gesetzlichem Mindestlohn’, WSI-Mitteilungen, 7/2003.
[‘Minimum standards for income from work – a survey of extension procedures and statutory minimum pay in Europe’].
IDS International Document, Employment in the United States (2000, and 2002); co-authorship with Paul Hodgson (The Corporate Library).
‘Western Europe’ in Reynolds, C.(ed.) Guide to Global Compensation and Benefits (Harcourt, Brace, 2001).
The International Human Resource Due Diligence Checklist, (Incomes Data Services, London, 1997 and 2nd edn 2000), with Martin Goodman.
IDS International Documents, authorship of Pay and Conditions in Germany (various editions 1986-2003) and Recruitment and Dismissal in Germany (various editions 1986-2003).
Pilot Interim Review, consultative review of pilot projects of the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI: (with Maggie Burns), 1999.
‘Tarifpolitik und gesetzlicher Mindestlohn in Großbritannien’, WSI-Mitteilungen, 8/1999. (‘Collective bargaining and the national minimum wage’)
‘Struktur und Standpunkt des britischen Arbeitgeberverbandes’ in, Lecher W. and Platzer H.-W. (eds.), Europäische Union - Europäische Arbeitsbeziehungen (Cologne, 1994) – also published as ‘Europe and the CBI’ in Lecher and Platzer (eds.), European Union – European Industrial Relations? (London, 1998).
‘Was tut such bei den Nachbarn ? Tarifpolitik im europäischen Vergleich’ in, Bispinck, R. (ed.), Tarifpolitik der Zukunft (Hamburg, 1995). (‘What are the neighbours up to? A comparison of collective bargaining policies in Europe’ in The Future of Collective Bargaining)
‘Branchentarifverhandlungen in Europa: Flächentarif à la carte?’, in WSI-Mitteilungen, 2/1997 (‘Industry collective bargaining in Europe. Sectoral agreements à la carte?’.)
Corporate Codes of Conduct and Labour Standards, Incomes Data Services, London, 1998, with George Tsogas.
‘Europe’ in Global Compensation and Benefits 1999 , Harcourt, Brace
Pete’s main research interests are in comparative employment relations, including law and industrial relations, and the regulation of the low-wage sector.
Recent and forthcoming publications include:
Corby, S., Burgess, P. and Höland, A. (2021). 'Employees as Judges in European Labour Courts: A Conflict of Interests', European Journal of Industrial Relations (Vol 27: 3).
Pete Burgess, Susan Corby, Armin Höland, Hélène Michel & Laurent Willemez (2020). 'Lay Labour Court Judges as Industrial Relations Actors In Germany, Great Britain and France. Can Field Theory Contribute to Comparative Research?' in Pulignano, V. and Henrickx, F. (eds) Employment Relations in the 21st Century: Challenges for Theory and Research in a Changing World of Work, Bulletin of Comparative Relations - 107. Alphen aan den Rijn: Wolters Kluwer.
Corby, S., Burgess, P., Höland, A., Michel, H. and Willemez, L. (2019) ‘Lay and Professional Judges in Europe’s Labour Courts: Does the Professional Judge Dominate?’, Industrial Law Journal. Oxford University Press. ISSN 0305-9332 ISSN 0305-9332.
Pete Burgess, (2019) ‘Idol Talk. Are we getting more vicious?’, Review of Vices of the Mind: From the Intellectual to the Political by Quassim Cassam (2019: Oxford University Press) in The Philosopher, Spring 2019 (Vol. 107, No.2).
Burgess, P., Corby, S., Höland, A., Michel, H., WiIlemez, L., Buchwald, C. and Krausbeck, E. (2017) The Roles, Resources and Competencies of Employee Lay Judges: A cross-national study of Germany, France and Great Britain. Working Paper Forschungsförderung, Hans Böckler Stiftung, Düsseldorf, ISSN 2509-2359.
Burgess, P.. (2016). ‘Grossbritannien: Die Beharrlichkeit des liberalen Modells’ in Bsirske, F., Busch, K, , Höbel, O., Knerler, R. and Scholz, D. (eds), Gewerkschaften in der Eurokrise. VSA Verlag, Hamburg.
Thorsten Schulten (ed.), Nils Böhlke, Pete Burgess, Catherine Vincent and Ines Wagner (2014). Umsetzung und Kontrolle von Mindestlöhnen. Europäische Erfahrungen und was Deutschland von ihnen lernen kann. Commissioned by G.I.B Gesellschaft für innovative Beschäftigungsförderung mbH, state government of North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany.
Corby, S. and Burgess, P. Adjudicating Employment Rights: a Cross-National Approach. Palgrave (2014).
Burgess, P., Corby, S. and Latreille, P. (2014). ‘Lay judges and labor courts: a question of legitimacy’, Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal, Vol. 35. No. 2. (Winter 2014).
Burgess, P. (2013). ‘Arbeitsgerichte und die Beilegung individueller Rechtsstreitigkeiten im internationalen Vergleich. Empirische Befunde und theoretische Reflexionen’ in Rüb, S. and Müller, T. (eds) Arbeitsbeziehungen im Prozess der Globalisierung und Europäischen Integration. Festschrift für Hans-Wolfgang Platzer. Nomos: Baden-Baden.
Burgess, P. and Symon, G. (2012) ‘Collective bargaining unity and fragmentation in Germany: two concepts of unionism?’, Economic and Industrial Democracy. Published on-line December 2012.
Burgess, P. (2012). ‘United Kingdom’ in Schulten, T. (ed.) Pay and Other Social Clauses in Public Procurement. WSI/Hans-Böckler-Stiftung - EPSU.
Burgess, P., Corby, S., Latreille, P. (2012). ‘Varieties of Tribunals: employment disputes resolution and national business systems’. Paper delivered at ILERA 2012 Conference, Philadelphia, July 2012. (
Burgess, P., Corby, S. and Latreille, P. (2011) Labour Courts Abroad. Research project funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (RES-000-4154).
Burgess, P., Corby, S. and Latreille, P. (2011) Non-Legal Members in UK Tribunals. Research project funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (RES-000-4154).
Employment in Germany 2010, Incomes Data Services, London.
Employment in Ireland 2009, Incomes Data Services, London.
The International Human Resource Due Diligence Checklist, Incomes Data Services, London, 2008 (4th edn.), with Martin Goodman.
Employment in Germany 2008, Incomes Data Services, London.
‘The statutory minimum wage in the UK’ in Schulten, T., Bispinck, R., Schäfer, C. (2006), Minimum Wages in Europe, ETUI. Brussels.
‘Living Wage Kampagnen in London’ in Sterkel, G. and Wiedemuth, J. (2006) Mit Mindestlöhnen gegen Lohndumping, VSA Verlag. Hamburg [‘Living Wage Campaigns in London’ in Minimum wages against wage dumping]
‘Der gesetzliche Mindestlohn in Großbritannien’ in Schulten, T., Bispinck, R., Schäfer, C. (2006), Mindestlöhne in Europa, VSA Verlag, Hamburg. [The statutory minimum wage in the United Kingdom]
The International Human Resource Due Diligence Checklist, (Incomes Data Services, London, 2005, 3rd edn), with Martin Goodman.
‘Tarifpolitische Koordinierung in Europa: Ein Ansatz vor seiner Zeit?’ in Schulten, T. and Sterkel, G., Wiedemuth, J. (eds.), Autonomie im Laufstall? Gewerkschaftliche Lohnpolitik in Euroland (Hamburg, 2004). [‘Collective bargaining coordination in Europe. A strategy before its time?’ in Autonomy in the Playpen? Trade union wages policy in Euroland].
Pete Burgess and Alastair Usher Allgemeinverbindlichkeit und Mindestlohnregelungen in Mitgliedsstaaten der EU - Ein Überblick (2003), Ministry of Labour, North-Rhine Westphalia.
[Extension Procedures and Minimum Wage Regulation in the Member States of the EU – an Overview].
‘Mindestandards für Arbeitseinkommen – ein europäischer Überblick zu Allgemeinverbindlichkeit und gesetzlichem Mindestlohn’, WSI-Mitteilungen, 7/2003.
[‘Minimum standards for income from work – a survey of extension procedures and statutory minimum pay in Europe’].
IDS International Document, Employment in the United States (2000, and 2002); co-authorship with Paul Hodgson (The Corporate Library).
‘Western Europe’ in Reynolds, C.(ed.) Guide to Global Compensation and Benefits (Harcourt, Brace, 2001).
The International Human Resource Due Diligence Checklist, (Incomes Data Services, London, 1997 and 2nd edn 2000), with Martin Goodman.
IDS International Documents, authorship of Pay and Conditions in Germany (various editions 1986-2003) and Recruitment and Dismissal in Germany (various editions 1986-2003).
Pilot Interim Review, consultative review of pilot projects of the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI: (with Maggie Burns), 1999.
‘Tarifpolitik und gesetzlicher Mindestlohn in Großbritannien’, WSI-Mitteilungen, 8/1999. (‘Collective bargaining and the national minimum wage’)
‘Struktur und Standpunkt des britischen Arbeitgeberverbandes’ in, Lecher W. and Platzer H.-W. (eds.), Europäische Union - Europäische Arbeitsbeziehungen (Cologne, 1994) – also published as ‘Europe and the CBI’ in Lecher and Platzer (eds.), European Union – European Industrial Relations? (London, 1998).
‘Was tut such bei den Nachbarn ? Tarifpolitik im europäischen Vergleich’ in, Bispinck, R. (ed.), Tarifpolitik der Zukunft (Hamburg, 1995). (‘What are the neighbours up to? A comparison of collective bargaining policies in Europe’ in The Future of Collective Bargaining)
‘Branchentarifverhandlungen in Europa: Flächentarif à la carte?’, in WSI-Mitteilungen, 2/1997 (‘Industry collective bargaining in Europe. Sectoral agreements à la carte?’.)
Corporate Codes of Conduct and Labour Standards, Incomes Data Services, London, 1998, with George Tsogas.
‘Europe’ in Global Compensation and Benefits 1999 , Harcourt, Brace